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I am a Masters graduate in Conservation and Biodiversity from Exeter University, with practical experience in both in and ex situ conservation.


I have just completed a contract working as a Field Research Advisor for the Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program (CPCP) based in Vietnam. My role was coordinating and conducting the post release monitoring through radio trackingo of released and rehabilitated trade confiscated Sunda Pangolins. We assessed release as a viable placement option and collected ecological data on: home range size and stability; space use within home range; and den site requirements.


I have worked on many projects around the globe including: South Africa, Honduras and Norway, as well as in the UK.  In Africa I spent months working on projects in the lowveld studying elephants and lions; in the Soutpansburg Mountains working on a camera trapping project studying leopard density; and learning field skills and understanding conservation issues in Kenya as part of a field trip.


I graduated from the University of Bristol with a BSc Honours in Zoology and Psychology. in 2007. My interest in Psychology led me to work as a Learning Support Assistant for children who needed support to overcome a number of barriers in during their education and prior to undertaking my MSc, I managed a tuition centre in London, training and mentoring a team on both administrative and financial tasks.


More recently I have been working as a communications intern at Investec Asset Mangement role involves assisting with the implementation of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, including tasks related to the organization of the Tusk Awards which are run in partnership with Investec.


I am currently based in the UK looking at securing funding to investigate the use of trained dogs in the conservation of Asian pangolin and other priority speices with Save Vietnam's Wildlife, Working Dogs for Conservation and Universtity of East Anglia.

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